Provincial Grand Lodge 2012

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Bro Peter Connolly, held the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting at the Southport Theatre and Convention Centre on Wednesday the 2nd May 2012.
The occasion started, as always early in the morning, with the Stewards of Philadelphia Lodge, led by W.Bro. Stuart Brackstone, and the Secretariat, led by W. Bro. Geoffrey Lee ably assisted by a delegation from the Southport area led by Brian Molyneux, setting up the offices and lodge room.


Having prepared the venue:

The Provincial Director of Ceremonies W.Bro. David Emmerson and his team started putting the team of acting officers through their paces

The brethren assemble, and appear to be in good spirits!
The D.C. instructs the recipients and The Organist prepares for the processions


Our Distinguished Brethren and Guests Process into Lodge
The Provincial Grand Master Enters the Lodge to Great Acclaim
and takes his seat
The Provincial Grand Master Greets the brethren and opens the Lodge
A deputation of Royal Ark Mariners request admission

The business of the Provincial Grand Lodge was carried out during which the Provincial Grand Master was please to re-appoint W.Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore as his Deputy Provincial Grand Master along with V.W.Bro. Michael John Clarke and Ian Douglas Nairn as his Assistants Provincial Grand Masters.

W.Bro. Andrew W Dickson as Provincial Senior Warden and W.Bro. Russell Greenhow as Provincial Junior Warden. In addition he appointed and invested a further 45 Acting Officers, 14 First Appointments to Past Rank and 39 brethren were promoted in Past Ranks.

The Lodge was closed and the brethren retired to a delightful meal
The Provincial Grand Master with Andrew Dickson (SW) and Russell Greenhow (JW)
W.Bro. Tony Shaw is congratulated on winning first prize in the 21st Century Club Draw
The view from the PGM's Chair before the meal
Distinguished brethren from the Craft Province
The PGM keeps good grace with those of influence!
The networking continues visiting each of the tables
Still having a great time
Stuart Brackstone begins to relax after a busy day
Doug Little tells a fair old tale
The Menu
Seasonal Vegetable Soup
fresh bread roll and butter
Seared Chicken Breast
creamy lemon and parsley sauce
roasted and new potatoes
carrots, broccoli and cauliflower
Strawberry Gateau
with pouring cream
Tea or Coffee
after dinner mints
Following which we made our way back to our homes in this wonderful province of ours.

Article and photographs, Mike Beesley